Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Going in Circles

I had always like Jap characters, I think that Hiragana looks elegant while Katakana looks sexy and tough, ahahaha. I guess I just have a weird way of looking at things :)
Had a super crappy dream this morning (I slept @4.30am -__-) and woke up at 5am. It's about something chasing me and telling me that I'm THE chosen one, and keep asking me to follow it. Some weird voices that I keep hearing even when I took the elevator as I tried to get away from it, and I came out of the lift to find my home looking entirely different, it's bigger. I could see a man and a woman, they're talking about something - me. That's all I can remember, then I woke up and broke into cold sweats, my heart drumming mad against my chest. It's seriously freaky. I think it's because I had been watching too much anime that I'm having this dream huh. But I think I had the same dream before, last year? It's scaring me :(
Learnt to type Korean characters on my LG phone too ^^ I had a hard time figuring out how to type just three characters, Cho Kyuhyun - 조규현 :) Er. So now I only know how to type three Korean characters, LOL.
OH YAYNESS I'm catching Despicable Me soon! I want KBox too x)