Thursday, July 15, 2010

At the crack of dawn

Took this shot early this morning, I was unusually early for school this morning (Y), so I actually have the time to look at the sky as I was waiting for the lift to come. I'm glad I live on the sixteenth floor ;) (16's an awesome number too!)

Clouds nowadays are looking super fluffy and awesome XD Took this photo when I was in school just now, hees. Came out of toilet and I was like, whoa the clouds! and quickly start snapping photos of the clouds floating by, haha. How I wish I was one of them, just roaming around so freely without a single care in the world :) I can really spend a whole day looking up at the clouds in the sky (if the sun isn't shining into my eyes) haha.
Geography test on Tourism chapter today, I didn't revise at all... Sorry Ms. Chan! x.x Also stoned for 90% of the time during lesson today, gonna buck up soon if I don't wanna flunk my O'level :\
Hmmm should I open a new blog and leave this? I don't like the entries in my archive, but I don't want to delete them, memories are the most precious things to me now :) And yet I think it's dumb to keep holding on, so maybe I should start a new blog, a new chapter?