In case you don't understand, the title means f*ck the world and rock on. OH YAY and sorry for the vulgarities. Seriously I don't feel like giving a freaking damn to this world anymore. Why are we doing things we don't like? Homework, they practically terrorize our life. MY LIFE YOUR LIFE HER LIFE HIS LIFE OUR FREAKING LIFE. So wrong. Our visit on Earth is so short so why don't we do things we like? I don't want to be all stressed out anymore. Seriously. Argh. From now on I'll just do stuff I like. And I'll definitely get many As for my O'level, just wait and see. When I say I will, I WILL. YES YES YES YES YES. PFFFFFT. According to my nuffnang, people from Singapore, Malaysia, US, Indonesia, Chile, Brunei, Australia, Philippines and Qatar visited my blog today. So, you guys, perk up and I'll show all of you that I WILL score well for my O'level. Not that I'm going to finish all my homework on time though, hees.
Did the five stations for NAPFA yesterday, almost fainted. Gah. Sucks. And today I'm having muscle ache all over. I can't even move my head in the morning, wtf? My results suck too. I can't seem to break my record for Standing Broad Jump. I'm stuck at 199cm ever since Secondary Two (sadly I got 199cm this year too TT) ! When can I finally jump 2 metres?! ROAR-NESS. Don't even talk about other stations, I totally messed them up.
Can't stop listening to Sorry Sorry. Huat arh SUJU :)